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Joined: 30 Jun 2021

Posts: 0

What are the key considerations when planning for custom web application development?

involves creating tailored software solutions to meet specific business needs. Here are some key considerations:

Requirements Gathering: Thoroughly understand the business requirements and user needs to ensure the application addresses all necessary functionalities.

Technology Stack: Choose the appropriate technology stack based on scalability, security requirements, and long-term maintenance considerations.

UI/UX Design: Design an intuitive user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) to enhance usability and engagement.

Development Methodology: Select a development methodology (e.g., Agile, Waterfall) that aligns with project goals and team dynamics.

Testing and Quality Assurance: Implement rigorous testing protocols to identify and resolve bugs early in the development lifecycle.

Security Measures: Incorporate robust security measures to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access.

Scalability and Performance: Design the application architecture to handle growth and ensure optimal performance under varying loads.

Maintenance and Support: Plan for ongoing maintenance and support to keep the application running smoothly and up-to-date with evolving technologies.

By addressing these considerations thoughtfully, businesses can ensure the successful development and deployment of custom web applications tailored to their unique requirements.



Joined: 07 Dec 2020

Posts: 16

Re: paid Singapore PR application agency to apply for Singapore PR

They artificially boost their success rates because they only accept clients who can get PR on their own in the first place.

ICA also treats agency applications with suspicion as it looks like you have something to hide.

Your money is better spent elsewhere.

I'm not sure about the part that "they only accept clients who can get PR on their own in the first place". As for my case, they said that my success rate was 100% (4 years ago). I didn't go with them and applied by myself, my application was rejected within 4 months.



Joined: 17 Aug 2009

Posts: 4308

Re: Wife resigned during PR application

Hi, my wife and I (main applicant) have submitted PR application since 2023 and it's still pending.

Recently my wife decided to take a break and resigned from her job.
We plan to apply for dependent pass, but can only start the process few weeks after her last working day.

Any idea/opinion on how will this affect my PR application?
Meanwhile, should I apply for STVP for her?
When should I inform ICA about the condition?

Appreciate your thoughts on this.

She will need a valid pass to reside in SG while her dependant pass application gets approved. So, surely you would need at minimum a STVP

Inform ICA when her current work pass is cancelled and also again when you get her a DP.



Joined: 01 Aug 2019

Posts: 907

Re: paid Singapore PR application agency to apply for Singapore PR

They artificially boost their success rates because they only accept clients who can get PR on their own in the first place.

ICA also treats agency applications with suspicion as it looks like you have something to hide.

Your money is better spent elsewhere.


Strong Eagle

Joined: 09 Jul 2004

Posts: 11684

Re: paid Singapore PR application agency to apply for Singapore PR

If you love wasting money, then by all means contract with a PR application agency.

On the other hand, if you can fill out a government form that requires little more than a barely passing O level schooling, you'd be a fool to spend your money.

PR application agencies can do f*ckall for you. They just take the information you give them and put it on a form that you could fill out for yourself.



Joined: 08 Feb 2024

Posts: 2

paid Singapore PR application agency to apply for Singapore PR

has anyone paid Singapore PR application agency to apply for Singapore PR. How is it going through Singapore PR application agency and does anyone willing to share any feedback or their experience. It will be helpful to understand more. Thank you.



Joined: 11 Nov 2004

Posts: 40455

Re: 3 year administrative concession IRAS

Bonuses don’t come until mid-March, but I have no concerns — I know dozens of people who left this way and still got their bonus, it’s tried and true… and my employer goes by the books… to a fault.

Then it's more of a tax residency issue; your EP really is your tax residency . You need to resign in JULY to avoid this issue. How much leave do you have? Can you work remotely? Also don't be too worried about doubling up on jobs. IF you find a job stateside I would OE (over-employ) and do both if you can work remote in one of them until July. Double pay cheques baby!



Joined: 22 Dec 2007

Posts: 2678

Re: Can expat and local couple apply for International School for child

Singaporeans can go to International schools even if both parents are Singaporeans, I think long ago, they were not allowed but things have changed . Generally due to the high international school fees, it is quite unusual for both Singaporean parents to send their kids to International schools.

This post is misleading. Cost is not the only obstacle — if it were, many more Singaporeans would be studying in International school.

Singaporeans can only enroll under exceptional circumstances with MOE approval. The only cases I know of true blue Singaporeans getting enrolled include special needs children and internationally mobile parents who have careers that included overseas assignments.

In the case of one parent being non-Singaporean, they also have a chance at getting the exception — especially if the child is a dual citizen, based on the family’s potential to migrate to that spouse’s country in the future.



Joined: 25 Dec 2015

Posts: 1329

Re: 15 years in Singapore!

Congrats wd40!

You are one person who I always take inspiration from - your story of achieving financial independence. Here's to many more years of flourishing financially.

This forum probably doesn't receive a ton of traffic, but definitely is invaluable in terms of the life experience that some of the regulars share here. Hard to find that elsewhere.


Max Headroom

Joined: 08 May 2013

Posts: 952

Re: Singapore Property market will crash?

Obligatory "snapping up" comment.



Joined: 22 Dec 2007

Posts: 2678

Re: 15 years in Singapore!

Congrats WD40! I wonder if you’ll pass the halfway mark like me. After 15 years, I also started to become more accepting of life here. My username reflects that less accepting time, only 11 years in. After following the experience among many expat vloggers, there’s one common thread: if you aren’t happy in one country, you won’t be happy in another country.



Joined: 22 Jul 2003

Posts: 1645

Re: Singapore Property market will crash?

With the prices now, the only way is up.



Joined: 22 Jul 2003

Posts: 1645

Re: Owner not refund rental deposit

I hope you have a valid room rental agreement signed. If yes, keep all your evidence and then try to get back your deposit by:

File a claim via Small Claim Tribunal:

Or go to Legal Aid Bureau:



Joined: 22 Jul 2003

Posts: 1645

Re: Lenovo pen replacement

Lenovo is hopeless on their support and parts.

Had a few years old Lenovo laptop and the cpu fan failed. Was told there isn't any part in stock. In the end I managed to order the part from overseas.

Seems like they are not keen to help at all.



Joined: 22 Jul 2003

Posts: 1645

Re: 15 years in Singapore!

Great to see you loving Singapore 😃 and remembering the good old names of the forum.

Hope you can continue to do well here and enjoying the country!

I must admit life was easier 15 years ago in Singapore.



Joined: 21 Mar 2022

Posts: 674

Re: 15 years in Singapore!

Congrats Wd40! No matter where we are, things could always be better and at the same time they could always be worse. I'm glad you have been able to grow your savings and be content/thankful for what one has.

Perhaps something will change. If not, enjoy the rest of your time here.



Joined: 28 Jun 2024

Posts: 8

Re: Can expat and local couple apply for International School for child

Singaporeans can go to International schools even if both parents are Singaporeans, I think long ago, they were not allowed but things have changed . Generally due to the high international school fees, it is quite unusual for both Singaporean parents to send their kids to International schools.


the observer

Joined: 20 Jul 2020

Posts: 599

Re: Singapore Property market will crash?

Sentosa is definitely an under rated and undervalued place..with its biggest mall just a short drive and business district located so close, I believe it'll start to shine and rise soon cos mainland prices are already quite high.. Even in the suburbs. and the brani sentosa plan, it can only get better.

You forgot that locals don’t pay much absd whilst foreigners have to pay 60pct or so.

So foreigners are out of this market.

Locals care about schools, mrt, market, kopitiam, etc etc



Joined: 20 Jul 2005

Posts: 2034

Re: Singapore Property market will crash?

Sentosa is definitely an under rated and undervalued place..with its biggest mall just a short drive and business district located so close, I believe it'll start to shine and rise soon cos mainland prices are already quite high.. Even in the suburbs. and the brani sentosa plan, it can only get better.


Strong Eagle

Joined: 09 Jul 2004

Posts: 11684

Re: 15 years in Singapore!

I am very happy for you, WD40. I, too, loved my 8 years in Singapore and would probably have stayed much longer had not the global recession of 2007/2008 killed my business. I am glad that the magic continues for you.